Tuesday, July 24, 2007

OLPC Turns Their Backs On Their Young Porn Addicts

It seems the One Laptop Per Child Foundation didn't like that all children in Africa were interested in using their new free laptops for was for hunting down the best porn on the net. OLPC told Reuters they're considering selling their XO laptop in stores for $350-$525 this coming holiday season. [Reuters]

Just yesterday it was reported by Reuters (and Cafe Mignon, of course) that, "Nigerian schoolchildren who received laptops from a U.S. aid organization have used them to explore pornographic sites on the internet." It seems the OLPC doesn't want to fund 10,000 pornos per child project. Can you blame them? More importantly, will anyone actually buy this wind-up PC for regular use and not just to resell to idiots on ebay?

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