Monday, February 05, 2007


Google is preparing a web based presentation service
Posted in Tech by Derek at 3:40 pm

The Google Operating System blog uncovered an interesting bit of code which hints at a future project dubbed Presently. The web based service will convert a document into a presentation, create slides, and view the presentation in fullscreen. The proof is in a series of lines of code which were uncovered in a Google File.

var MSG_DOC_TO_PRESENTATION=”Convert document to presentation”;
var MSG_DOC_TO_PRESENTATION_HINT=”Once your document is converted to a presentation, you can insert slide breaks using Insert > Slide from the main menu.”;
var MSG_PRESENTATION_TO_DOC=”Convert presentation to document”;
var MSG_POPUP_BLOCKER=”Presently is unable to launch your presentation in full-screen mode. Check your pop-up blocker settings.”;
var MSG_NEW_SLIDE_TITLE=”New Slide”;
var MSG_UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER=”Unsupported Browser Presently doesn’t support Opera and will not function properly. Would you like to continue anyway?”;
var MSG_SLIDE_INDEX=”Slide %1 of %2: %3″;
var MSG_NEXT=”Next”;
var MSG_NEXT_HINT=”Space, Enter, N”;
var MSG_PREV=”Previous”;

The file goes on-and-on. Feel free to peruse the rest of the document at your liesure if you’re hesitant to believe in such an application coming from the Google Team.

Found on Uneasy Silence


Anonymous said...

is this and fensi maybe related?

Mignon said...

Interesting point you have there. We can only speculate for now, but I'll see what I can find out.