Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Joost is a new way of watching TV on the internet. With Joost, you get all the things you love about TV, including a high-quality full-screen picture, hundreds of full-length shows and easy channel-flipping.

What's Joost?

Joost is a new way of watching TV on the internet. With Joost, you get all the things you love about TV, including a high-quality full-screen picture, hundreds of full-length shows and easy channel-flipping.

Inside the box

You get great internet features too, such as search, chat and instant messaging, built right into the program - so you find shows quickly and talk to your friends while you watch. And with no schedules to worry about, you can watch whatever you want, whenever you like - as often as you want. Joost is completely free, and works with most modern PCs and Intel Mac-based computers with a broadband connection. Get Joost today!

Free TV

Now showing at Joost: hundreds of full-screen shows from your favourite channels.

Exciting extras

Chat, instant messaging, search and more - baked right into the TV experience.

Complete control

With Joost, you're in charge. No more schedules - watch what you want, as often as you like.

Coming soon...

Write your own add-ons, watch yet more great content. Come back regularly for updates.


For more screenshots click here to see it on the Joost website.

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