Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Lazy Apples

What the hell is wrong with Apple this year? So far it's nothing but bad news. From exploding macbooks and iPods to delayed operating systems and now to this very lame ad that doesn't mention a single thing about Apple. All it does is bashes Microsoft for having taken longer than expected on Vista, but HELLO YOU MORONS AT APPLE; you guys just delayed Leopard for crap's sake! Uneasy Silence, where I found the video, says

Watch out Apple, you should not be talking about delayed operating systems when you just delayed 10.5. Also, I am TIRED of the “Get a Mac” ad series - How about “Get a new Ad agency”

Something is just not right. I'm really getting annoyed at Apple and I expect them to do something about it. Impress for God's sake! It used to, but now when I think Apple I just tighten my grip on my wallet and all the bad news about Apple products fills my had and I'm left with a feel of caution towards Apple. I'm not excited about the iPhone, I'm excited by competitive pricing, unique features, and quality products. I don't want to buy overpriced so-so products that might be pretty but are lacking in ability. Also, I'm sick of waiting for leopard. I want to know when to expect it and I want more information about it so I can know whether or not it's even worth the wait. Otherwise, I can just buy a much cheaper Windows computer with compatible specs, hacked OSX Tiger +hacked iLife and iWork and then I'll have a "hackintosh" that can compete with most genuine macs and I'd probably save myself 700 euros or more.

Get off your lazy apples Mr. Jobs and turn your company image around. And for God's sake don't let one more stupid add like this into the world. You're making a fool of yourself. This isn't advertisement this is a petty blame game. Apple is taking heat for delaying Leopard and instead of taking it and being professional about it they're pointing the finger. This is just plain stupid.

In case anyone cares, there are two more new ads that came out with this one and you can of course see them at apple.com. Enjoy..... I know I didn't.


Derrick said...

I've always admired Apple for it's ability to introduce new innovations and take risks when other companies just wanted to play it safe. I agree, I think the whole Microsoft-bashing has got to stop. It's petty and Apple doesn't need to do it.

I'm peeved Leopard still isn't out, but I'm really anxious to see what new hardware Apple rolls out in October. However, with the recent explosions occurring in bookshelves around the world, I have to wonder whether I'll be paying 2k or more for a "better" computer.

Mignon said...

I'm also rethinking the whole save up for an iMac thing. It's nice but it has it's limitations as well and it's so not worth what's on it's price tag.