Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Is That A Theater In Your Pocket: Cellphone Projectors on the Way?


South Korean company, Iljin Display, has been crowing about its coin-sized laser projector module for more than a year, but with no real proof of their existence. The company is now saying it's inked a deal with South Korea Telecom (SK Telecom) to mass produce the projector for use inside cellphones. Is this Nano Projector finally for real?

Iljin says the diminutive projector will be installed in SK Telecom's cellphones beginning this September, and those pocket theater-toting cellphones will be for sale both in Korea and perhaps even in the U.S. soon thereafter.

The company is also claiming that the future of its of its pint-sized projectors is in tiny stand-alone units that'll let you set up an 800 milligram-ish guerrilla theater with a 20-inch screen virtually anywhere you want. Only time will tell if there's any truth to their claims.

Iljin Display to Commercialize Nano Projector [Far East Gizmos, via Digital Tokyo]

found on Gizmodo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.