Thursday, April 26, 2007

The day before...


Copy: Monday 10 September 2001 - The world can change in a day. Don't miss your daily edition of in-depth news.

It's not often that a print ad literally jumps up and throttles our attention like this one - done for local newspaper brand Cape Times - did this morning.

There are four executions. This one in reference to 9/11, another (beautifully shot) for Hiroshima 1945, the JFK assassination and the '76 Soweto riots [all after the jump].

Using iconic events from history, the campaign highlights the fact that world-changing events often can¹t be predicted and that the course of history can, quite literally, change in a day.

Love the art direction and the hard-hitting message of these ads. Stunningly arresting.

Makes you think what the Virginia Tech campus looked like on Sunday morning.




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