Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Mac v.s PC Ads

There are two new Mac v.s PC ads to be seen on the Apple website. The first is very cute because it shows a flashback to when Mac and PC were kids and the second pokes fun at PC's and their error messages......oh the many error messages. Kind of freaks me out because I'm gonna be installing Vista Home Premium here on my laptop in a few days and I'm wondering whether or not I'll regret or whether or not I'll be able to reinstall XP if Vista sucks. If there's anyone out there who has Vista already and think I'm making a massive mistake, please tell me now.


Unknown said...

hay you know i HAD vista why didn't you just ask me lol well its a great operating system but it has too many security pop ups i mean it asks you if you are sure to install a program about 2 times and if you turn it off your totally un protected etc and it may use a heavy load on your motherboard depending on your pc specs mine wasn't to bad so i don't think yours will have any problems a good gfx card is recommended also for vistas cool animations but all in all its not bad really unfortunatly i had to ger rid of mine coz well i didn't find a successful crack but hay i dont care as i still want a mac so badly.

Mignon said...

Well my laptop is really quite good and it should handle it fine. Right now I'm just really excited about Office 2007, it's so nice that it actually makes quite a fine competitor for Apple's Pages 2. Seriously, it's damn nice. Derrick downloaded it, but I don't want to install it until I have Vista. OMG Guess what? I'm one essay away from being done with English. Only problem is that it's a really hard essay and requires a ton of research. I'm so sad about leopard being delayed. Damn that sucks, and it's all because of the damn iPhone, which is nice, but I don't really care that much about phones. It just need to be able to call and text people, all those other bells and whistles are unnecessary.