Friday, March 30, 2007

Freaky Site

Have you ever had some sort of sick fantasy to operate on a stuffed bunny rabbit? Well luck you, you big sicko; your dreams have come true. Above you can see the cute little guy with his floppy little ears and you're told to click his belly, little do you know that if you click his belly his heart will stand still. Then you see the little guy again on the operating table where you shock him, shave him, and slice him open with a little scalpel.

As you can see below, things get pretty nasty. After you carefully slice him open by following the dotted line, you use your tweezers to remove what looks like and old Windows 98 cursor . Then you insert a pink pill that says 10 mg on it. If you did all this within the time limit the little guy gets all happy, twists up his ears and it says "10 mg Enlightens." All I know is this is a Dutch company, or at least located in the Netherlands, but I don't really understand what this sick, but very well animated, site is about. They have an about me button, but it shows a long video that I can't be bothered to watch so if anyone watches it, be sure to tell the rest of us what it is. Weird, WEIRD site.

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