Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Errors in Gmail!!!

ANNOUNCEMENT! Gmail is experience technical difficulties! Upon logging in users are blasted with this error message/apology. Could Google be changing something??? Or maybe they're fixing some kind of security breach we have yet to uncover. Maybe, just maybe the site is down for a make over or a new service is being added! One can only speculate at this point.

UPDATE!!! The error message happened world wide. Julio Dudu has posted the following picture on his blog, which you can see here, and was kind enough to share it with us!


Michos said...


Unknown said...

no i think u wil find that coz google baught that company i forgot the name but its in this blog and on unitednova.com but they are moving something onto there own google systems so that might be the cause :)

Mignon said...

maybe, who knows! I'll keep checking for changes

Mignon said...

thanks juliodudu, nice blog just wish I could understand more!